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28/5 Ooshima (8 Dan, Kyoshi), and Akita (6 Dan, Renshi) sensei Kendo seminar

Post Date: 2023/05/09 - End Date: 2023/05/29

We are pleased to announce that the Kendo Seminar on May 28 from 9:00am to 12:30 pm at QE stadium. We gratefully invited three Kendo sensei from Japan to share their knowledge and expertise with us.

We welcome all HKKA members and affiliated member to join us for this event. It is an excellent opportunity to learn and to improve your Kendo skills.

Details of the seminar are as follows:

Date: 28-May

Time: 9:00 AM to 12:30PM

Location: Queen Elizabeth Stadium( 18 Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong)

Speaker: Ooshima Akio (8 Dan, Kyoshi), and Akita Toshimichi (6 Dan, Renshi)

Quota: 50 persons, first come first serve

Entry fee: Free of charge

Content of the Seminar will be announced in due course.

Interested individuals MUST register through dojo representatives. Dojo representatives please return the attached form on or before 19th May 2023 (Friday), 5pm.

Note 1: Prior registration is REQUIRED and participants without prior registration will not be entertained.

Note 2: Participants MUST register through dojo representatives.

All applications will be subjected to the final decision of the Executive Committee of HKKA.
