Seminar Activities

Sumi Sensei Local Referee Kendo Seminar

Post Date: 2015/01/29 - End Date: 2015/07/16

HKKA has gratefully invited Sumi Masatake sensei (Hanshi 8 Dan) to host a referee seminar from 29th January to 1st February 2015.


2015 Local Referee Seminar- Sumi Masatake sensei :

Hanshi 8 Dan ( HKKA Hon. Advisor)


29Jan (Thu)


Keiko at Hong Kong Park Sports Centre ( Dance Room ) Ground Floor

Free entry


30Jan (Fri)

9:00pm – 10:45pm

Keiko at Island East Sports Centre ( Dance Room )


31Jan (Sat)

4:30pm – 7:30pm QE

Local Referee seminar + shiai + keiko

Basic knowledge of referee skills

Target on 3Dan-4Dan referee trainee

(Members with bogu No Dan -2 Dan please join to learn and to do shiai)


01Feb (Sun)

08:30am – 11:30am

(1)Main date of Local Referee Seminar

Target on 5Dan and above

Players – preferred 16WKC players

(2) Keiko

11:30am – 12:30pm Coach seminar

Seminar for 2015 Nov/Dec Coach examination

All elementary, intermediate, advanced coach and new applicants in coming Coach Examination must attend.


*This seminar is open to all members of HKKA and its affiliated dojos.

*Beginners without gear and under 18 years old free entry.

*Entry fee for 30Jan – 1Feb at $100 per head inclusive 3 days.
