日期 Date | 9月6日(星期五) 6th Sep (Friday) | 9月7日(星期六) 7th Sep (Saturday) | 9月8日(星期日) 8th Sep (Sunday) |
一號及三號颱風信號或 黃色暴雨警告或紅色暴雨警告
If Signal No.1 or Signal No.3 or AMBER Rainstorm or RED Rainstorm is in force | 考試如常舉行 Examination continue to be held as scheduled. | 比賽如常舉行 Competition continue to be held as scheduled. | 比賽如常舉行 Competition continue to be held as scheduled. |
八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號/極端情況/黑色暴雨警告生效 Signal No.8 (or above)/ Extreme Conditions/ Black Rainstorm is/are in force | 如上午十一時或以前取消八號熱帶氣旋警告/極端情況/黑色暴雨,考試如常舉行。 報到時間將於HKKA 網頁公佈/Facebook專頁。 If Signal No.8 (or above) or “extreme conditions” or Black rainstorm is/are cancelled by 11am, the examination will continue. Registration time will be announced on HKKA website/Facebook page.
如上午十一時至下午一時取消八號熱帶氣旋警告/極端情況/黑色暴雨, 考試(實技)如常舉行。 考試(劍道形)將於9月8日(星期日) (下午三時到七時) 於鯉魚門體育館進行。 報到時間將於HKKA 網頁公佈/Facebook專頁。 If Signal No.8 (or above) or “extreme conditions” or Black Rainstorm is/are cancelled between 11am to 1pm, the examination (Jitsugi) will continue. Examination (Kata) will be postponed to 8th Sep 2024 (Sunday) (3-7pm) at Lei Yue Mun Sports Centre. Registration time will be announced on HKKA website/Facebook page.
如下午一時後八號熱帶氣旋警告/極端情況/黑色暴雨警告仍然懸掛, 考試(實技) 將於9月7日 (星期六) (下午五時到八時) 於鯉魚門體育館進行。 考試(劍道形)將於9月8日(星期日) (下午三時到七時) 於鯉魚門體育館進行。 If Signal No.8 (or above) or “extreme conditions” or Black Rainstorm is/are in forced until 1pm the examination (Jitsugi) will be postponed to 7th Sep 2024 (Saturday) (5-8pm) at Lei Yue Mun Sports Centre. Examination (Kata) will be postponed to 8th Sep 2024 (Sunday) (3-7pm) at Lei Yue Mun Sports Centre. Registration time will be announced on HKKA website/Facebook page. | 如中午十二時仍然懸掛,比賽取消。 Signal No.8 (or above) or “extreme conditions” or Black rainstorm is/are in force till 12:00pm, the competition will be cancelled. | 如上午九時三十分時仍然懸掛,比賽取消。 Signal No.8 (or above) or “extreme conditions” or Black rainstorm is/are in force till 12:00pm, the competition will be cancelled. |
HKKA 保留最終更改權利。HKKA reserves the right to announce further amendments and final confirmation of all rules and regulations.