Seminar Activities

Local Kendo Seminar 2019 - Sumi Masatake Sensei

Post Date: 2019/04/12 - End Date: 2019/04/27

HKKA has the gratefully invited Sumi Masatake Sensei (Hanshi 8 Dan) to host a Kendo Seminar and Keiko from 24th - 26th April 2019. There are 3 sessions, the participation fee is HK$50/person/session. (Beginners without gear/under 18 years old/Junior Squad Members free entry)









Session 1

24th April 2019 (Wednesday)

9:00pm – 10:30pm

Seminar +Keiko

For all Dan levels of HKKA members and dojo members

Dance Room, Smithfield Sports Centre

Smithfield Municipal Services Building, 12K Smithfield, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

Session 2

25th April 2019 (Thursday)

8:00pm – 10:00pm

Seminar +Keiko

For all Dan levels of HKKA members and dojo members

Multi- purpose room,

Ap Lei Chau Sports Centre

1st floor of Ap Lei Chau Municipal Services Building, No.8 Hung Shing Street, Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong

Session 3

26th April 2019 (Friday)

9:00pm – 10:30pm

Seminar +Keiko

For all Dan levels of HKKA members and dojo members

Dance Room,

Island East Sports Centre

52 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong



- Hong Kong Kendo Association WILL NOT be held responsible for any injuries, death, illnesses and/or loss of personal belongings of applicants during the seminar day. Participants are advised to enrol for their own personal insurance if necessary.


Furthermore, Sumi sensei will attend the 62nd Festival of Sport - Hong Kong - Macau - Pearl River Delta Interport Kendo Tournament as chief referee on 28th April,2019. All members are welcome to attend.                                                                       


Thank you for your kind attention.
