16th World Kendo Championships
1) 香港劍道代表隊選拔準則及程序請參考第十六屆劍道世界賽香港代表申請內之說明。
2) 香港劍道代表隊選拔上訴機制
運動員如對選拔過程或結果有異議,可於選拔結果公布後兩星期內 以書面形式向香港劍道協會提出上訴申請。
上訴委員會設有1名主席, 1名由上訴申請人委任的委員, 及1名由教練委任的委員組成.
上訴委員會須確立審議方式, 記錄審議內容和裁決。議決方式,以大多數或一致意見作決定。 兩個月內以書面方式通知上訴人、教練及香港劍道協會有關上訴結果及跟進行動。
Notice: 16th World Kendo Championships HK Team Coach
Since the 16th World Kendo Championships 2012-2015 squad training will
formally start very soon, HKKA decided to appoint Mr Kishikawa Roberto and
Mr Lai Fu Yan to be the coach of Hong Kong Team with effect until the end of
the 16th WKC.
16th World Kendo Championships HK Team application
HKKA is now accepting the application of 16th World Kendo Championships HK Team member,
Interested individuals please read carefully about the information attached (revised) and send the
full application form back to HKKA by Fax (28908052) / email (hkka@hkolympic.org)
(Please give autograph on the form)
The Squad Training application released before does not equals to this HK Team member application,
those who would like to apply for HK Team member must complete this application.
The application period should only be 18th December 2012 – 18th January 2013.
Any late application would not be accepted.
HKKA would like to express our thanks to Mr Kishikawa and Mr Lai for their
continuous support.
Hong Kong Kendo Association